Oh dear. Someone’s been reading my blog. Was it you?

Dear People-who-have-followed-me-since-I-was-Freshly-Pressed,

I don’t know if it’s the done thing to send you a letter, but does that matter? After all, I don’t exist, do I? If anyone can get away with it I can. So …

Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I am thrilled and pleased at your likes and comments. I’m also a bit stressed.

Freshly Stressed, you might say.

Wobbling about writing.

Will you like the next one? What if you’re disappointed? Why am I so insecure? Oops, sorry, that one just slipped in.

And I have jet lag!

Some of you have already heard back from me via slippery fingers sliding over the keyboard in hot, humid Texas. I’ll reply to everyone who commented, but while I sort out my lagged brain and untangle my washing here are a few general responses to your thoughtful, kind, stimulating remarks.

Women who have been able to relate to what I said, hello to you, I’m waving! So nice to hear from you – it’s as if we’ve stepped out from behind a screen to take a bow.

And you men who made good and sensible, silly and flattering comments – a teeny curtsey to you.

Those of you who said sad things, a hug for you. Please, think more of yourselves. You are someone, trust me. Fat or thin, old or young, fit or unfit, able or less able, we are who we are and that’s not nothing.

I’ll be back soon with a ‘real’ post. There’s lots of stuff bubbling up, some about my Texas trip, some about life, the universe and nothing, some about our local – no, Roger, John and the sandy asparagus can wait.

So, please bear with me, you may not like the next blog, or even the one after that, but one day another one will come along that speaks to you – I hope.

And if not, well it’s been very good to meet you!

Now, where was I?

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18 Responses to Oh dear. Someone’s been reading my blog. Was it you?

  1. I wobble about writing and with a blog I have found my voice.


  2. readmydream says:

    Oops! Meant to forward this to my friend! Sorry :/

    – Regan


  3. Dear Husk,
    Have you heard that saying (or quote?), “Dance as if no one is looking”? That applies to writing as well. I know this from teaching writing to college students, and from my own experience of trying to find my voice again after a long, painful silence. So, I would say to you gently, “Write as though we’re not looking.” And then, “Edit as though you are caring for both our understanding and your own rich ideas.” As I used to tell my daughter when she would audition for school plays, don’t be nervous; the audience wants you to succeed–but we don’t require it.


    • Dear Wandering Hare,
      Ever since I read this your last sentence has stuck in my head – in a good way. What a mature thing to say and thank you, it is exactly what I needed to be told!
      Trudging on at the moment but dancing in the dark again soon, I hope.
      Work. Argh.


  4. Nikki says:

    As the saying goes, we’ll stick with you (and your posts) through thick and thin. Keep up the good work, never mind who’s watching :o).


  5. EllaDee says:

    In the words of Henry Ford “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” 🙂


  6. ampc says:

    I love it! Congratulations on being Freshly Pressed. Your post was very worthy. I think many of us wobble about what to write. I personally spend way too long on each post so that I can make sure grammar is correct, etc – and then sometimes still miss something. Ah well.

    Can’t wait to read more!


  7. i wouldn’t worry so much, it will only take away from the enjoyment you felt when you were writing the posts that truly made you happy 🙂 if people like what you write, great (i do btw) and if they don’t well, then that’s just opinion and everyone is entitled to one. please keep wrting things that are going to make you happy 🙂


  8. Beth says:

    Freshly stressed… but in a good way! Congrats!
    Ms. Husk would you send me Your email address? I can’t seem to find it.
    So good to see you!!


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