Reaching for the light

How are you? Contagion is not confined to the physical, is it? I hope you are coping with the anxiety, the frustration, the uncertainty.

We are living through difficult times. The way we are used to doing things has been dismantled and the pieces tossed in a jumbled heap, like a game of pick up sticks. Where will they land? What will we extract?

Who knows? Not I, certainly.

But there are also wonderful old pleasures to rediscover – sitting up till the small hours reading a children’s book in my case!

To come to the point –  I’m popping back here for two reasons.


I have a poem published in a journal called ‘Broken Spine’ the first issue of a new print poetry/photography/art journal and was asked to do a video reading. Before you sigh, anticipating a sombre reading in a moody setting, I opted to do a video composed of still pictures of our local beach, with a voice-over. I hope you will find it cheering, especially if you cannot get out to walk in the world outside.


I wrote a post about an unusual tree I came across on my ramblings, which is almost a parable for the time of Coronavirus. I posted it on my other site maidinbritain which shows off images to better advantage. It’s short – by my standards, if you have some leisure time to read it, the link’s here: Reaching for the Light.

Keep well, keep safe, keep your distance – and keep hoping.

This entry was posted in Art, jaunts & going out, Britain now & then, Lancashire & the golf coast, Nature notes, Thinking, or ranting, or both and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to Reaching for the light

  1. Judith Nicholson says:

    Lovely Mary! I’d already seen the first one but I liked the second one too. Trees are amazing. xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a beautiful poetry reading. I was mesmerised by the images, words and your mellifluous delivery 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. John Kemp says:

    Hello Mary, It was good to hear from you again. Congratulations and thank you for including me. I enjoyed and appreciated your poem. A friend from university days in SA, a former Professor of English (Univ. of Natal, Durban), now retired in Australia, recently sent me a small book of his poetry. ‘Tisn’t like the poetry we used to learn at school. But I go back to it frequently and enjoy in particular the S. African aspects. My apologies for the delay in responding. Do keep in touch. I can’t at the moment think of any news, at least any of interest, from this end – don’t get around much any more. On the other hand I seem to be running on the spot, perhaps partly because we don’t rush to get out of bed in the morning and usually take a siesta after lunch, which doesn’t leave a lot of time for being as constructive as I’d like to be. But also because I’m too easily led off the track I try to follow, being distracted by interesting details. The biggest news is that with the onset of spring I started working in the garden two days ago, so far quite heavy work, rather of a destructive than a constructive nature, after the long dry summer and autumn last year and then months of cool but not cold wet weather. How is Larry keeping? Please let me know when he goes back to Africa. I’d like to keep in touch with his work. I think I’ve mentioned this to him already. With my very best wishes, John



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